Are u sure!

You know JavaScript?

MD Khan / @mdkhan005



  • hoisting wasnt that clear: feedback by audiance
  • How do we develop a app?

    You don't get what you deserve

    You only get what you negotiate


    function in JS

    1. function like an object
    2. could have property

    3. have a length property
    4. length is number of parameters

    function call

    function foo(a, b){
        return a * b;

    Two stages

    • Creation stage
    • Execution stage

    Creation Stage

    ExecutionContext: {}
  • Each function call creates own ExectuionContext
  • roughly an 'environment' where function executes
    ExecutionContext: {
        scopeChain: { ... }
    ExecutionContext: {
        scopeChain : { ... },
        variableObject: { ... }

    creation stage

    1. Execution Context > Scope chain > variable object
    ExecutionContext: {
        scopeChain : { ... },
        variableObject: {
            arguments:{ ... }
    ExecutionContext: {
        scopeChain : { ... },
        variableObject: {
        	    0 : 2,
                1 : 3,
        	    length : 2
    JavaScript execution

    variable instantiation

    ExecutionContext: {
        scopeChain : { ... },
        variableObject: {
        	    0 : 2,
                1 : 3,
        	    length : 2
            a : 2,
            b : 3
    function foo(a, b){
        return a * b;

    inner variable, function

    function foo(a, b){
        function ttt(){console.log(a);}
        var c = a + b;
        return a * b;
    ExecutionContext: {
        scopeChain : { ... },
        variableObject: {
        	    0 : 2,
                1 : 3,
        	    length : 2
            a : 2,
            b : 3,
            ttt : pointer to function ttt(),
            c : undefined


    object, “owner” of the function being executed

    ExecutionContext: {
        scopeChain : { ... },
        variableObject: { ... },
        this:{ ... }
    ExecutionContext: {
        scopeChain : { ... },
        variableObject: {
        	    0 : 2,
                1 : 3,
        	    length : 2
            a : 2,
            b : 3,
            ttt : pointer to function ttt(),
            c : undefined,
        this: { ... }

    Execution stage

    1. start reading the code from first line
    2. assign values
    3. if need to access variable, it read from ExecutionContext
    4. until hits first return or body ends


    1. two stages of function: creation, execution
    2. creates execution context (before running any code)

    3. First thing created is the scope chain
    4. then it creates variableObject

    5. create arguments, variable, determine this

    6. execute function


    JavaScript Scope

    • Global scope

    • local scope

    global scope

    var a = 2;
    function b(){

    Local Scope

    local/function scope

    function b(){
       var d = 21;
    console.log(d); //ReferenceError: d is not defined
    1. function call creates execution context (before running any code)
    2. First thing created is the scope chain
    3. create arguments, variable, determine this
    4. execute function

    JS scope chain

    multi execution context

    var a = 2;
    function b(){ console.log(a); }
    function c(){ console.log(a); }

    local events

    nested function (closure)

  • Scope is static.
  • set in the creation stage and never changes

  • scope chain

    is a collection of

  • current execution context
  • all parent execution context

  • what you need to know about block scope- let


    function in a function

    function counter(){
        var i = 0;
        return function(){
           return i++;
    var a = counter();
    //function (){
    //       return i++;
    //    }

    function inside function

    multiple closure

    function counter(){
        var i = 0;
        return function(){
           return i++;
    var a = counter();
    a(); //0
    a(); //1
    a(); //2
    a(); //3
    a(); //4
    a(); //5

    multiple closure

    var b = counter();
    b(); //0
    b(); //1
    b(); //2
    b(); //3

    each closure have separate private variable

    Who care?

    1. garbage collector can not claim the variable you are holding
    2. How many closure you are creating

    3. variable reference: Dont use excessively large private variable
    4. Unnecessary closure affect processing speed and memory consumption

    Addy Osmani: memory efficient JS


    • function inside another function
    • doesn't have to return function
    • Refer to variables, parameters outside of current scope
    • read and write outer scope variable
    • each closure has separate private variable
    Closure for dummies


    Local variable, available to all functions

    function foo(a, b){
      return arguments;
    foo(); //[]
    foo('js', 'is', 'fun'); //['js', 'is', 'fun']
    1. can't explicity created
    2. available only when function begin execution
    3. arguments & named parameters references same value
    4. updateing arguments[i] changes named parameters

    Like an Array

    arguments.length; //3
    arguments[2]; //fun

    Not an Array

    //TypeError: Object has no method 'indexOf'

    Convert to Array

    var args =;;

    Don't mess up with names

    function foo(a, arguments) {
        return arguments;
    foo(1); //undefined
    function foo(a, b) {
        var arguments = 43;
        return arguments
    foo(1, 2); //43
    Angus Croll: aguments

    wake him up


    1. function could have properties
    2. two stages of function call: Creation, Execution

    3. ExecutionContext: Scope chain, variableObj, this
    4. Jackie Chan, Kim Kardashian, super bowl

    5. Scope chain: collection of current + all parent Execution context
    6. Closure: save states and create encapsulation

    7. arguments: is an array like object
    8. Don't create a variable or parameter named arguments

    morning of a developer


    hoist variable

    function foo(){
      //do something
      var a = 42;
    function foo(){
      var a;
      //do something
      a = 42;
    function justLooping() {
        for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
            //do something
    function justLooping() {
        var i;
        for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
            //do something

    let's look into inner function

    function outer(){
      //do something else 	
      function inner(){
        console.log('inside inner function');
    outer(); // inside inner function
    function outer(){
      function inner(){
        console.log('inside inner');
      //do something
    JS hoisting explained

    function expression

    function outer(){
      //do something else 	
      var inner = function(){
        console.log('inside inner');
    outer();//TypeError: undefined is not a function
    function outer(){
      var inner;
      //do something else 	
      inner = function(){
        console.log('inside inner');


    What the heck is "this"?

    What is this?

    function whatIsThis() {
       return this;
    whatIsThis(); //window
       return this;
       'use strict';
       return this;
    })(); //undefined
    Smashing: JS Scope

    understand the context of execution

    var a = {
        b: function() {
            return this;
    a.b();//Object {b: function}
    var foo = a.b;
    var foo = function(){
      return this;
    foo(); //window; //window
    var d = {};
    d.c = a.b;
    d.c();//Object {c: function}
    Angus Croll: this


    this = {}

    newly constructed object

    function Friend(name) { = name;
      this.context = this;
    var frnd1 = new Friend('js dude');
    var frnd2 = new Friend('common guy');
    							; //js dude
    frnd1.context;//Friend {name: "js dude", context: Friend}
    							; //common guy
    frnd2.context;//Friend {name: "common guy", context: Friend}

    prototype chain

    access property, methods in the prototype chain

    var dad = {
      fathersName:'big Dad'
    var child = Object.create(dad);
    child.whoIsYourFather = function(){
        return this.fathersName;
    child.whoIsYourFather(); //big Dad
    child.hasOwnProperty('fathersName'); //false
    Object.getPrototypeOf(child); //{fathersName: "big Dad"}
    sitePoint: this

    setTimeout inside constructor

    function Menu(item){
      this.item = item;
      this.context = this;
        console.log('setTimeout context:', this);
      }, 10);
    var lunch = new Menu('pizza');
    //setTimeout context: window
    lunch.context//Menu {item: "pizza", context: Menu}

    Same issues with setInterval

    "this" in arguments

    8 ES5 function allows thisArg

    Function.prototype.bind( thisArg [ , arg1 [ , arg2, ... ] ] ) thisArg [ , arg1 [ , arg2, ... ] ] )
    Function.prototype.apply( thisArg, argArray )

    DOM event handler

    this = element the event fired from

    function bluify(e){
      console.log(this === e.currentTarget); // Always true
      console.log(this ===;// true when currentTarget and target are the same object = '#A5D9F3';
    //execute it in console
    document.getElementById('myButton').addEventListener('click', function(){
    }, false);

    same for inline element this

    MDN: this

    Now. I know this

    1. left of dot(.) will indicate value of this
    2. window (no dot)

    3. undefined (strict mode IIFE)

    4. object (left of dot('.') for a method call)
    5. newly constructed object (constructor: new keyword)

    6. window (inside setTimeout)
    7. element fired the event, inside event handler

    8. this has access to all inherited properties
    9. use bind, call, apply to set value of this explicitly

    Day of a programmer

    time wasted at work

    pass by

    primitive by value

    function foo(a){
        a = 55;
    var a = 7;
    a; //7

    primitive types: boolean, string, number

    object is pass by ref

    function foo(speaker){ = 'Paul Irish';
    var speaker = {name : 'Addy Osmani'};
    console.log(speaker);//Object {name : "Paul Irish"}

    replace object parameter

    function foo(speaker){
        speaker = {name : 'Paul Irish'};
    var speaker = {name : 'Addy Osmani'};
    console.log(speaker);//Object {name : "Addy Osmani"}

    Call by Sharing

    • If u change the parameter, it wont affect
    • If u change INTERNALS, changes will propagate

    call by sharing
    by Ref, check this one

    What is JavaScript?

    How JavaScript works?

    a single-threaded, non-blocking, asnchronous concurrent runtime

    I am a programmer, give me detail

    maintain a call stack, event loop, queue, etc.

    are these in JS?

    no. they are in JavaScript implementation.

    Help, I'm stuck in an event-loop

    what is call stack?

    function multiply(a,b){
        return a * b;
    function square (n){
        return multiply(n,n);
    function consoleSquare(n){
        var squared = square(n);
    js strack trace

    MDN: event loop
    event loop explained

    get out of there


    1. two stages of function call: creation, execution
    2. ExecutionContext: scope chain, variable Object, this

    3. Scope chain: collection of current + all parent Execution context
    4. Closure: Save states and create encapsulation

    5. left side of "." helps to defines values of this
    6. use bind, call, apply to set value of this explicitly

    7. changing properties of passed object will propagate
    8. JS Implementation: call stack, event loop, queue

    Deleted Scenes

    only 50 min

    1. inheritance
    2. types, boolean, array, +, equality
    3. problem with typeof
    4. timer
    5. strict mode
    6. promise
    7. small caveats like dot, comma, etc.
    8. dating with JS
    9. regex

    Need more !!!

    Frequently misunderstood JS Concepts
    u reuined JS
    JS comma
    JS parts i struggled to remember.
    Angus ES6

    Free tip

    Look Busy at Work

    1. Ctrl + 1 when big brother is around
    2. Use headphone or mute

    3. Always carry extra bag and print out
    4. do ur personal work, but leave after ur manager

    5. always leave a extra jacket on your chair
    6. compose email during office hours, send it midnight or weekends

    Look busy

    One thing

    left side of dot (.) helps to define value of this


    Thank You

    MD Khan / @mdkhan005



    MD Khan / @mdkhan005
